How to Build a Great Team ...

 Great teams do (some, many, all ...) of these things ...

  1. Challenge each other
  2. Provide mutual inspiration
  3. Perform well in a chaotic environment
  4. Maintain control despite the extreme pressure
  5. Trust each other
  6. Respect each other
  7. Share a common vision
  8. Open to new ideas
  9. Have a sense of humor
  10. Have integrity
  11. Full of energy
  12. Team players
  13. Honest and direct
  14. Calculated risk-takers
  15. Get along with others
  16. Able to handle pressure
  17. Are inspirational
  18. Are doers
  19. Are competent in their field
  20. Are balanced
  21. Are experienced
  22. Share leadership and ownership of team tasks
  23. Communicate continuously
  24. Provide performance feedback
  25. Most decisions reached by consensus
  26. Division of tasks is clear
  27. Collaboration is the norm
  28. Share learning
  29. Listen to each other
  30. Comfortable with disagreements
  31. Are cohesive
  32. Are mutually supportive
  33. Coordinate activities
  34. Share work expectations
  35. Have complementary skills but a collaborate style